How to Transfer data from PG2 Elite SQL to PG3 Elite?

If you wish to upgrade to PATGuard 3 but were previously using PATGuard 2 SQL then you will need to transfer your previous data over manually due to the differences in database structure.


1. Export the data from your PG2 SQL database into .pat files.

- Right click on the 1st Client and select ‘Send To’ – ‘File…’

- Give the file a relevant name and save in a location that you can access.

- Repeat for each client in the database.

2. Install an evaluation copy of PATGuard 2 Elite (not SQL) using the below link.

This will need to be installed on a different system to the one running your PG2 Elite SQL program.  If you have already had an evaluation copy of PG2 on that PC or there are issues with you doing this please contact Seaward for assistance.

3. Import the .pat files to a PATGuard 2 Elite (not SQL) database.

- In the PATGuard 2 evaluation copy select Elite and then create a new database ensuring to remember the location of the new database.

- Select ‘File’ – ‘Open’ and then change the ‘Files of Type’ to ‘Briefcase files (*.pat)’.

- Navigate to the location of the .pat files created in step 1.

- Select one of the files and click ‘Open’.

- Repeat for all .pat files.

4. Transfer the database into PATGuard 3 Elite.

- a. Close PATGuard 2 down.

- b. Open up PATGuard 3 Elite and select ‘Open File’.

- c. Navigate to the location of the database saved in step 3, select it and click ‘Open’.

- d. You will then see a message asking if you want to upgrade the database. Select ‘Upgrade’.

5.You should now have all of your data in PATGuard 3 Elite.


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